Know the Very Early Pregnancy Signs

Know the Very Early Pregnancy Signs

Know the Very Early Pregnancy Signs
You really pregnant? Some women feel the first symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception. This, however, may not be the situation of different women. The only way to know if you are pregnant or do a pregnancy test. It is time to consider a pregnancy test as soon as you start working with some of these very early signs of pregnancy.

After a period. You miss, especially if you're used to a normal cycle, a clear sign that she is pregnant.

His chest swells. If you tried to understand one of the first signs of pregnancy, make sure the breast tumor. In the second week after conception, hormonal changes can cause your breasts to feel tender. Tingling and pain in a sense can be tested. Some even find that their breasts become heavier and fuller.

You always feel tired. Fatigue can be one of the first symptoms of pregnancy test. In early pregnancy, progesterone level or increase. High doses of this hormone can fall asleep. The situation is complicated when you start to lower blood sugar and blood pressure while increasing production levels.

You feel a cramping pain and bleeding. In addition, one of the common signs of early pregnancy, bleeding and cramping. Implantation bleeding occurs when a fertilized egg in the uterus located between the tenth and fourteenth day after fertilization related. Some women mistake implantation bleeding for a menstrual period. Note that the implementation of the bleeding a little earlier and lighter than a period. In addition, not enough time. Abdominal cramps, some women may appear. These cramps feel almost like menstrual cramps.

Know the Very Early Pregnancy Signs

Nausea. Some women just feel sick. More nausea with vomiting. Often, this attack symptoms at any time of day and night, but more likely in the morning. Some women seem to vomit in the morning when taken on an empty stomach food. This feeling of nausea can begin in the second week after conception. Pregnant women also develop a greater sense of smell makes them susceptible to certain taste. Some women feel dizzy and sick when they feel the smell of cigarette smoke, perfumes, food, etc..

Cravings for certain foods. Most women want certain products during the first trimester of pregnancy. These will be carefully studied with the hormonal changes that cause the body experiences. If you are pregnant, you could find the fear of old favorites, and recipes will be surprised who long hatred.

Other very early pregnancy symptoms are headache, constipation, mood swings, dizziness or fainting, and basal body temperature is warmer by a few to name. If you have one of the first signs of pregnancy, talk with your partner and will be confirmed by a pregnancy test. Also in this case is the most accurate and recommended to take the blood test for pregnancy test.

Know the Very Early Pregnancy Signs