Pregnancy at Week 1 and 2 |
Pregnancy at Week 1 and 2
When a woman will understand for the first time in my life, it's certainly a feeling that cannot be expressed in words. However, if it is your second or third child, the level of tension cannot be as high as in the case with the first child. There is no doubt that the first pregnancy is a life-changing event for the woman. This article is an attempt to help pregnant women, who are aware, know the step by step procedure for their child, and also other useful information that will help you during pregnancy have healthy pregnancies.
The first two weeks of the pregnancy went almost in uncertainty, as most women have no idea that they are pregnant. Usually contains 1 and 2 weeks of pregnancy, ovulation and fertilization is usually to processes. For the first two weeks of estrogen and progesterone in the body during the preparatory process, ovulation, an egg produced by the ovaries. If you are not on any birth control, these eggs are oplodněno and travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus. In the next 40 weeks remains an egg in the uterus. Early signs and symptoms of pregnancy
Pregnancy at Week 1 and 2
In addition to uncertainty in the first two weeks pregnant some women experience signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Not all of these women are so afraid. But in the coming weeks, these signs and symptoms are more pronounced for you. during the first week is the most common symptom that a woman spasms on one or both of the social partners can feel. This is the process of ovulation.
Other characters that may appear in the first week of pregnancy is the release of fluid from the body clean. If you have found that this form must erase, smooth or sales points in the region, you can be on the fertilization process. Another thing that you during the first or second week of pregnancy can stand out is Rozkolísaná basal temperature. It is important to note that tracking basal temperature you know will help whether you are right or not. pregnancy rate for the first two weeks of their menstrual period is normally lower than body temperature than normal, of course, between 78.6-97 5 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature will rise slightly in the period of ovulation. It came because of the increased levels of progesterone in the body. During the process of ovulation, increased 0.4-0.6 degrees are common. Also note that your body temperature after a successful pregnancy after 2 weeks, will continue in the upper side of the (slightly) during the entire duration of the pregnancy.
A basal thermometer can be used to detect basal temperature. The best time to record your basal body temperature is included in the morning before bed to different physical activity your body temperature changes, and in this case, you will have the correct temperature.
It is always better to know about pregnancy every week.